Hello reader,

So here we are.

We're on the precipice of the most important US election of our lifetime, covid is peaking, school is in and out, and...winter is coming.

What tools do you use in this moment, while you're in an increasingly hypervigilant, anxious state?
  • Cocktails!
  • Exercise and yoga, gratitude and spiritual exercises.
  • Get out the vote! And help others do the same.
  • Get ample, good quality sleep.
  • Dessert! And more baking.
  • Self-compassion.
  • Connecting with friends.
  • Arguing with my partner.

In 2020 we've all become students of self-help and self-care. We know the tools, and we're still suffering. So what's next, now that our peak is peaking?

My tool of choice: When things get hard, do something harder.

It's counter intuitive (and really annoying to hear, I know), AND it works.
When you raise the level of challenge, that first challenge that seemed insurmountable becomes less daunting and achievable. Shoot for the moon, land in the stars. It's a cliche for a reason.

As you know, I chose to sell my house this year and move into a tiny apartment with my family. And ya know what? It's working out just fine. Less to clean, no homeowner headaches to worry about, and we're all finding new ways to connect as a family. It's cozy and it feels right. No TV means more reading and board games, and we're cultivating new interests as a family, like stand up comedy and figuring out Rubik's Cube.

The thing that seems hard (and is within your control) is doable if you chose to do it. And now that I'm on the other side of doing a hard thing, that which concerned me prior don't present as much of a challenge as before.

When my clients do the hard thing, they often move towards their goal with more speed and ease. During the pandemic, my clients have moved states (while 8 months pregnant), changed jobs (yep, people are hiring), taken up the bass, secured book deals, gotten engaged and married (civil ceremony, 10 person gathering), started grad school, pivoted their business and launched new businesses.

Sitting around and talking about it, procrastinating, and complaining are not tools for change. Nor are they tools for mental health. And we need to be healthy now.

Doing the hard thing works. It puts things in perspective, and puts you back in control.

Here is some articles and podcasts I've created on the subject:
Thank you for reading this newsletter. I am here to support you, as always.

If you want to level up your game and do a harder thing -- let's set up a session. This is also a great time to schedule an end of year review or create a plan for 2021. Let's do this.

Do you want some help accomplishing your goals? Let's start with an introductory session. By the end of this session, you will have identified a coaching goal, the next steps to take, and the motivation to move forward.