Midlife Coaching

As a life coach, it is my job to help people make the midlife transition with humor, grace, and ease. When we work together during our life coaching journey and coaching sessions, I will help you eliminate anxiety, the feeling of being stuck, and fear, replacing them with enthusiasm, action, and laughter.

Middle age is a time for transformation, both physically and mentally. Oftentimes at this point, many clients feel stuck in or obligated to routines that define their everyday lives, whether it’s a mortgage, family, partners, the location we live in, friends or careers

Everyone has heard the cliche “midlife crisis” when husbands or wives have affairs and by fast cars, boats or other expensive toys.

Let’s not do that :-). As your midlife coach, I am here to guide you through the opportunity that change brings – instead of hurtling toward a crisis, we can look at the life you’ve created, decided what you’re taking with you to the next phase and what you might want to leave behind.  By thoughtfully evaluating the life you’ve created, you can make active choices toward reimagining the next phase of your life.

My job is to guide you through this midlife transition by helping you discover who you are and who you would like to be. I will also help you by providing accountability throughout the coaching program as you move toward your goal.

During our individual coaching sessions, we will chart our path from one week to the next and one month to the next I don’t set out a week to week plan before we talk because – you’re organic! You change. This is a customized midlife coaching program, and you're driving it.

And based on the actions you take between sessions, so will our plan. We have a goal we’re moving towards, and yes – sometimes that goal shifts as well. Your coaching program is bespoke, based on YOUR needs. Your mindset will change throughout the duration of our program

We connect in our weekly sessions, and you have homework after each one. This ensures that you move forward faster, using insights from our sessions to fuel action during the week.

I am available via in person meetings in my Montclair, NJ office, phone calls, Zoom as an your midlife coach.

a woman sitting on a rock with her arms outstretched.

Life Coaching Has Become Popular

Many people might wonder why life coaching has become extremely popular over the years. The basic answer to this is that life coaching works. A strong relationship with a life coach can help you move from feeling stuck to connecting more with your true self.

As a midlife coach, I serve as your creative  thought partner, using questions to help you have fresh thoughts and forge new connections in your mind. You are the expert on you, I ask powerful coaching questions to help you access that true self.

I believe in helping my clients listen to their access awareness they can feel in their body to discover their own values and desires, so that they can have the clarity and motivation to pursue life changing big dreams. Or pursue self care more modestly, arriving at the next chapter on their journey, spending time on what's most important.

Anyone, even a child, can tell you what they want; however, the older we get, the harder it can become to hear our desires, to hear what helps us feel fulfilled. My job as a midlife coach is to break through that noise and support your dreams so that you focus on what you need.

Together, we create that road map based on your big dreams. In partnership (and regular coaching calls), you'll gain the insight you need that leads to action. We don't just talk about your goals; we take action to pursue and ultimately achieve them. You'll move from feeling stuck to pursuing your dreams efficiently.

This is why my coaching, and midlife coaching programs are powerful. Theywork! When you sign up for a midlife coaching program, you can gain the insights and take the actions that lead to  a significant transformation that resets your passion and motivation as you head toward the  second half of your life.

Enlisting the help of a life coach like me can be a great asset to have in your corner when undergoing transformation, be it in your personal life or even a career change. In terms of growth, most people are pleasantly surprised that life coaching is the quickest-growing US industry after tech.

What You Can Expect From Your Personal Life Coach

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As your personal life coach, you can expect accountability and partnership. My goal is to with you every step of the way. My coaching session with you is more than just a "that concludes our session. Same time next week" relationship.

When you enlist my help for midlife coaching, we stay in touch between sessions via email. You're sharing accomplishments, asking questions, and moving forward.

I'll gladly review your cover letters, help to ease your nerves before an important meeting, and celebrate the fantastic interviews you have. I want you to feel like you have a partner in this journey.

Think of our relationship as similar to one between a sports coach and her athletes. A sports coach's job, among other things, is to motivate her athletes. She does this because she sees the best in them and recognizes their potential—sometimes before they even realize their potential.

A sports coach recognizes your strengths but also understands that you have weaknesses; she plays to your strengths while enhancing your weaknesses.

A sports coach recognizes your strengths and understands that you have weaknesses; this woman plays to your strengths while supporting your weaknesses.

As your midlife coach, it is my job is similar; support your weaknesses while helping you play to your strengths.

During my life coaching sessions, I ask questions that help you dream, engage in creative thinking, and create your own way. I help you get to know the woman or man you are right now. You at 50 is very different from you at 30.  As an outsider who didn't know you then,  I am in a good position to help you  discover the patterns you repeat in your life and bring them to your attention. I want to help you start living, creating your world. That might result in great change or it might just help you feel a greater sense of fulfillment with where you are.

I will mirror what I see back to you  to help you make active choices about how you want to  feel fulfilled in the second half of your life with confidence, purpose, and passion suited to your situation.

Just as a sports coach will show you your current form and how to get better, my job as your midlife coach is to help you see the thought patterns that you may or may not be aware of while providing you with the required tools to change them.

There is work to do between sessions. When you move ahead, actively, you can foster more change quickly. The actions lead to insights that will lead to more actions.

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Coaching Intro Session

Am I the  Right Midlife Coach for You?

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If you are ready to work with a midlife coach to help you move from that feeling stuck to  a place of contentment, confidence, and purpose, then I'd love the opportunity to speak with you. By midlife, you've made many changes in your life; change is nothing new.  And this time, you work with a midlife coach to actively choose the type of change you want, finding what aligns with your values.

During our individual coaching sessions, I will ask questions that lead to insights, and  co-create strategies to take actions that will lead to more insights and clarity as to how you want to pursue your next phase of life. I can help you to do the work to transition into a second half of life filled with contentment, confidence, and joy.

Apart from our life coaching sessions, you can expect to spend an average of 5 to 10 hours per week on additional work. This can be researching, reading, or networking with colleagues and friends. There will be a lot of work to do.

The aim of transforming the second half of your life will require thought and action. It's work – and that work can be fun. Throughout our live coaching sessions, I will help you inspire yourself to take action. I look forward to partnering with you at this key inflection point in your life.

Ready To Get Started?

personal coach

If you'd like to set up an introductory session, please complete the form and tell me your best times.

Times available (ET): Daytime: Monday-Friday: 7AM, 8:15AM, 9:30AM, 10:45AM, noon and 1:15PM. Evening: Monday-Wednesday: 6:30PM and 7:40PM.

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The introductory session is $395 and lasts 60 minutes.

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