Practicing Happiness

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Why Practice Happiness?

That is a fantastic question. Why practice happiness?  Like contentment and joy, happiness is a state you can actively work toward or cross your fingers and hope it happens.

As anyone in a long-term marriage knows, it's better to work on it than expect it to just happen magically. It works the same way with long-term happiness.

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The Benefits of Practicing Happiness

In 2018, I wrote a book called Personal (R)evolution. The book was based on my years of experience as a personal coach. I created this book to be a DIY coaching guide if you want to get the benefits of working with a personal coach without hiring one. It became an Amazon bestseller as soon as it launched.

personal revolution bestseller

In this book, I shared frameworks, ideas, and exercises—tried and true tools that helped thousands of clients achieve success year after year.

In Chapter 1 of Personal (R)evolution, I share the best way to go about setting a SMART goal, and in Chapter 2, I share my Whole Life Model, which I encourage readers to use to confirm that the goal they think they want to pursue is the right goal to pursue at this time.

Practicing Happiness was the main idea of Chapter 3. The chapter is called "C'mon Get Happy" (a nod to those who remember the Partridge Family TV show theme song. Have a listen. It makes me happy, how about you?

A Growth Mindset

Over the last two decades, I found that clients are far more likely to achieve their goals if they are in a growth mindset.

And in fact, there is significant research that demonstrates a growth mindset is critical for, well, growth. An open mindset is a creative mindset, and the ideas and tactics that clients can conceive and pursue have far more momentum when they are happy (and therefore open) than not.

Happiness is the prerequisite that my clients need to pursue their ambition. Feels a little chicken and egg, doesn't it? You may expect happiness to be the result of a powerful coaching engagement, not a prerequisite. In fact, it is both.

It's much easier to get where you want to go—and the trip is way more fun— if you have the proper mindset for traveling before the travels begin.

Shall we?

Your Guide to Practicing Happiness

To follow, I will share information about C'mon Get Happy, Chapter 3 of Personal (R)evolution. If you complete the form to the right, you can join my newsletter list and receive your very own copy of Chapter 3 of my book (in your inbox, like now).

So you can go ahead and fill out the form below now, or keep reading to learn more about the chapter.

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Willpower vs. Ease

In this chapter section, I talk about "powering through" change. Willing the change, white-knuckling the change. "I have to do this, I must do this, I WILL do this." We fatigue on willpower as we grit and go. Whether it's days, weeks or hours, and at some point, everyone hits their "f*** it" moment, and that willpower is gone.

Instead of using willpower as our energy source, I show you how to allow happiness and ease to fuel the change you seek.

Take runners, for example. I was a sprinter. Always was and always will be. My neighbor was a gorgeous long-distance runner. She was a gazelle; I was an explosive pouncer. Still am. That's just how I was built. Thick thighs and a muscular posterior.

I have twin sons—one seems like he can run for miles without breaking a sweat, and the other hates a lengthy hike but wins awards for his sprinting. It's just how you're made.

But happiness is different. We can goose the system with the right exercises so that instead of willing yourself to do it, you just do it.

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The Science of Happiness

In this section, I share more about happiness science pioneers like Martin Seligman and Shawn Achor.

For the clinical work I do, I stand on the shoulders of giants and respect and admire the thinking and research that these (and other) pioneers in the field of positive psychology and happiness have created for us.

Viva social science! And viva the Greater Good Science center, who continues to contribute significantly to this field.

I thank the scientists who pursue and share knowledge so that I can support my clients to make significant life changes with ease and grace.

Ready to learn more about practicing happiness? Complete the form on this page, and receive your copy of this chapter.

Demonstrating the Case for Happiness

Ellen Langer conducted some of the most powerful research in the field of mindset change. A quick YouTube video for her name will send you down a jaw-dropping rabbit hole toward some wild science experiments she did. Let's say she made time travel a reality forty years ago.

She makes a powerful case for neuroplasticity and the idea that you can purposefully influence your psychology and physiology if you dare.

Please dare! Scroll down, fill out the form, receive the ebook (my C'mon Get Happy chapter from Personal (R)evolution) and see how you can mind travel to new places.

Next up, I'll share (OK, I'll tease) four examples of exercises you'll find in this chapter of Personal (R)evolution.

1. The “Three Good Things” Exercise

The "Three Good Things" exercise is probably the most popular happiness tool I suggest to clients. I've shared this at corporate seminars, with parenting groups and more. It's great for families and can be enjoyed at any age.

This exercise helps you capture the cream of your day—the best parts of your day—and relive them. By doing this, you create a stronger memory and get to live the "greatest hits" of your day a second time. Think of it as the highlight reel of your day, year, and life!

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2. Finding Awe

This exercise takes you through the steps of meditating on something particularly awesome. A flower, a tree, a person, skydiving, your thumb.

There is so much extraordinariness around us. Even that word is rather awesome. Extraordinary. More ordinary than usual. A little extraordinary becomes that which is beyond the extraordinary!

See, just some trippy wordplay like that is what finding awe is about. Fill out the form on this page, join my newsletter and find out how you can cultivate awe within yourself to engage in a deeper happiness practice.

3. Silencing Your Inner Critic

Critics tend to be loud. And we tend to hear criticism at a ratio of 10x the praise we hear. Think about that. The critical comments and voices are TEN TIMES louder than positive words of praise.

So we can try to self-amplify the good or quiet the critic.

Join my newsletter by filling out the form on this page, download the happiness chapter of my book, and learn how to quiet your inner critic.

4. My Best Self

The final happiness exercise in the chapter is called My Best Self. This exercise allows you to think about a version of yourself that you'd like to create.

And—spoiler alert—sometimes the best version of yourself is the self you already are! Wouldn't that be a nice surprise? Don't change a thing; just change your mindset. And love and adore your existing self into a better being.

Learn more about how to do this by joining my newsletter list and downloading a copy of this chapter. Just fill out any form on this page.

How to Be Happy

Behavioral scientists and experts have spent considerable time figuring out what makes us happy and doesn’t. Our level of happiness can be a predictor of our health and can even be used to determine our progress in society.

However, happiness doesn’t just happen to us. We have to make ourselves happy. How to be happy? We need to start within ourselves and see what can help us get back on the right path toward a healthier life.

The Mind

Since happiness comes from within, you need to start with your mind. Negative thoughts must be dispelled so you can approach each day with positivity and optimism.

To combat negative thinking, train the brain. Instead of telling yourself to stop thinking negative thoughts, you need to acknowledge those thoughts.

Challenging your negative thoughts can help change your mind as well. Instead of thinking about all the ways you might have failed, think about the success you have experienced in life and find ways to learn from failures.

The Body

Get up and get moving. Researchers have reported people human beings have higher happiness levels after moving around compared to remaining still. Even just a leisurely walk can help put you in a better mood.

More Tips on How to Practice Happiness

Here are a few more helpful tips on how to practice happiness.

  • Smile! That’s right. We smile when we are happy. When we smile, dopamine is released, making us even happier in everyday life.
  • Exercise. Regular exercise benefits not only the body but also the mind and helps us lead a happier life. It boosts happiness levels as well as self-esteem. Even a small amount of physical activity can prove beneficial.
  • Get More Sleep. When sleep-deprived, your overall happiness and well-being suffer immensely. A good night’s sleep is great for happiness and can boost your daily mood.
  • Acknowledge Unhappy Moments. Having a positive attitude is always good. However, bad things are still a part of our lives. If you receive bad news, make a mistake, or just don’t feel like yourself, don’t pretend to be happy. Understand that you are unhappy, experience it, and then shift your focus.
  • Mindfulness Practice. Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment. Start each day with a purpose, take long and deep breaths, and ask what your intentions for the day are. The right mindfulness practice helps manage emotions and can make us feel happier and calmer.
  • Practice Gratitude. Gratitude is consistently associated with greater happiness. It helps you feel positive emotion, revel in great experiences, and build stronger relationships. A gratitude journal is one exercise you can participate in that is popular in the field of positive psychology. It helps with self-reflection in everyday life.
  • Find Your Inner Strength. For overall happiness, you need a more positive outlook on life to find your inner strength. This is something I can help you do during our coaching sessions. Prioritize yourself and have a degree of inner awareness.

What Does Happiness Feel Like?

True happiness is often characterized by joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. It has to do with positive emotion and life satisfaction.

When you learn how to be happy and have these positive feelings, you can begin living a happier life with integrity, embrace living in each moment, express gratitude, and find work that you love and that satisfies you.

Physical Signs of Happiness

An increased heart rate and flushed skin can actually be physical signs of happiness and a positive emotional state. Happiness affects your circulatory system.

According to expert Dr. Diana Samuel, an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, “Butterflies in your stomach, your facial expressions, even changes in finger temperature…all of these can depend on your emotions.”

Whenever there is some kind of emotional arousal, our smooth muscles are also impacted. These muscles are responsible for blood flow as well as the movement of food through our digestive tract.

Finally, serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin are all hormones that promote happiness while reducing feelings of depression and anxiety. Dopamine is the biggest happiness hormone and is what primarily drives our brain’s reward system.

You Can Practice Happiness

I hope that you've enjoyed this information about practicing happiness. I believe that to prepare for change, you need to accept where you are and believe that change is possible.

I have helped thousands of people make significant changes in their lives over the last twenty years, and I'd like to help you enjoy your life more.

Whether you are in transition, interested in living in concert with your values, or changing careers, I'd like to support you as you pursue the life you want.

Whether our relationship is through my newsletter, books, or a coaching program, let's continue this conversation! Complete the form below, and let's keep in touch!

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C'mon Get Happy:
Practice Happiness And Gain Momentum

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