Looking for an Online Life Coach?

I have helped thousands of clients make significant life changes over the last 20 years. I've been coaching global clients on Zoom for the last five years. Let's set up a session.

Would you like to Find An Online Life Coach?

If you are looking to find an online life coach service, you've come to the right place. I conduct my coaching service via Zoom, phone, and in person.

First, you'll start with an introductory coaching session. These reduced-price coaching sessions give you a chance to jump right in with a real coaching session and get to know me and how I work as an online life coach.

After our online life coaching (or online personal coaching) session, I will send you a recording of our session as well as consolidated notes.

The notes will share any Insights you had during our session, specific and clear Action Items you’d like to take based on our conversation, and a larger Coaching Goal that we identified.

You are welcome to move forward and work on your own at this point or work with me in a coaching program.

There is no expectation that you will continue with my online coaching service, and there is no hard sell at the end of our session. The choice to continue with coaching is yours!

I have an office in Montclair, NJ, and I have always seen a significant percentage (about 40%) of my coaching clients online throughout my coaching career.

At the beginning of the global pandemic, I saw 100% of my clients online. Today, my office is open for masked and unmasked sessions. My office is 12 feet wide, so there's plenty of space between us.

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How Is an Online Life Coaching Session Different from In-Office Coaching?

When I started coaching in 2005, most coaching was virtual. I was based in Brooklyn, NJ, and didn’t have an office, so I would meet clients for coaching walks in Central Park, come to their offices, or (most typically) connect via phone. Clients would choose the option that worked best.

Interestingly, most clients chose to meet on the phone instead of in person. And here’s why: they found it easier to get deeper into their own authentic thoughts if they didn’t see me. They didn’t want to spend energy decoding my facial expressions or body language, as it took them away from their own thoughts!

Allison Task during an online coaching session

As social creatures, communication involves all kinds of responding/reacting to the conversation partner as well as having our own thoughts.

Coaching is all about your thoughts and creating a space to further your thinking. As a career and life coach, I aim to ask you questions that get you deeper into your own ideas and, ideally, cultivate fresh ideas and insights.

My goal is not to come up with an answer for you but to ask the right questions so that you can discover the answer for yourself.

At this time, you are welcome to have a phone session, Zoom session, or Skype session, whichever you think will work best for you. If you schedule a Zoom session, I’ll be able to provide you with a recording.

My geographically distributed clients typically hold their sessions via Zoom and love it. They like to re-watch the video at least once because it’s interesting to have that perspective on your thought process.

I mean, how often can you be a fly on the wall for your own thoughts? I know, it’s very meta. And online life coaching (or online personal coaching) allows you to have that deep and meaningful conversation and then re-watch yourself, putting together ideas for the first time that will help you answer questions that have had you stuck for a while.

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The Advantage of Virtual Life Coaching

There is a big advantage to having a coaching session via Zoom and watching the recording afterward. When you see yourself having the a-ha moment, you can re-live it and connect to the insight more deeply.

If you feel the momentum to take action during the virtual life coaching session, you can re-watch that moment and reconnect with that desire to take action when you are in a better position to take action (not mid-session).

video call with online life coach

By re-watching our online life coaching session, you can reconnect to that moment of insight and impact and start taking action in the ways you want to. You can re-create the momentum you feel in a good coaching session and take action between sessions in a more powerful way.

Here are some more advantages of choosing virtual life coaching over in-person sessions:

Faster Way to Improve Your Life

With virtual coaching, you don’t have to make an appointment and wait for a time to actually go out and meet a local coach. Instead, I work with you one-on-one using online technologies. These are so much faster and more convenient than meeting face-to-face.

And since time is a commodity these days and is often in short supply, this just makes more sense. More people choose online coaching over spending extra money and time having to meet with their coach face to face.

Much More Convenient

With web-based communication tools, it makes it so much easier and more convenient to meet with people. There is no need for a meeting space or a commute. There is also the opportunity to use different feedback tools like the session recordings I have already mentioned.

Additionally, if it is raining out one day and you don’t want to commute due to the weather, having me as your online coach screams convenience. It will no longer be a hindrance to have to travel to see a local coach in person.

And that brings us to saved money when it comes to travel expenses. Have kids? With online coaching sessions, you don’t have to find a babysitter! Feeling sick? Okay! You can still attend your virtual session without missing a beat.

Don’t Have to Find a Local Coach

One of the biggest advantages of online coaching sessions is the fact that you don’t necessarily have to go with a coach that is local to you. Even if you don’t live near me, you can still take advantage of my experience. Geography is no longer a factor.

Who Benefits From Working With an Online Life Coach?

Who benefits from working with an online life coach? Well, everyone who is willing and determined to make real changes in their life. I help identify strengths, develop those strengths, and identify goals with actionable steps for real results.

An online life coach is good for people going through a transitional period in their life. Are you about to change jobs or careers? Moving to a new city? Maybe you just got out of a long-term relationship. All of these people can benefit from life coaching.

A life coach is a good person to have on your side to talk to when you don’t want to discuss changes like this with your close friends and family. I can help make the transition as easy as possible while uplifting and encouraging you throughout your personal development journey.

group of happy friends

My Background In Career Coaching and Online Life Coaching

I received my coaching certificate from New York University in 2005, and I've been coaching ever since. As I mentioned, I was trained to coach via phone and in person; I started using virtual coaching platforms 15 years ago. In fact, I’ve only had an office for five years, so online coaching and virtual coaching is where I have the most experience.

For the first 10 years of my coaching career, I coached primarily on the phone, as that is what clients preferred. Clients enjoyed the experience, but quite frankly I felt like I could build a deeper connection and therefore help my clients move forward more quickly if I could meet in person.

I found a location in Montclair NJ and began coaching in person in October 2015. My practice grew quickly and thrived, so much so that in March 2020 I moved to a larger location where I could continue to do individual and group coaching.

While my practice accelerated, I started to coach more small businesses, and groups, so I wanted the space to support that.

I still always offered online coaching to clients; sometimes someone would get sick or have a snow day and they appreciated the flexibility of being able to meet online.

Other clients lived far away – some as far as Singapore and Australia, Seattle and Switzerland, Costa Rica and Houston. I always offered virtual coaching for these distributed clients, and they thrived.

Many of my clients would move during our coaching program, and virtual coaching allowed us to keep the momentum.

Some clients lived nearby, but in the congested NY Metro area, chose to have an occasional online coaching session instead of meeting in my office.

You can read more about my background and experience here.

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What Is an Online Career Coach?

I have extensive experience as a career coach; it is the largest part of my practice.

As a career coach, I help clients clarify the career that will best meet their financial and personal needs at this time in their life. Yes, I’ve helped people transition from high paid jobs to meaningful jobs and vice versa.

I’ve helped lawyers and doctors leave fields that no longer work for them and, interestingly, helped people fall back in love with a career that was growing stale.

coaching process

I help recent graduates find work in difficult markets; I help new parents transition into more family-friendly work. I help people retire early (yep, that’s as fun as it sounds), and I help people find more lucrative, meaningful, and flexible work.

Honestly, working as an online career coach is not very different from working as a career coach. It’s a different medium for the same model. Instead of being in the same space, we work virtually, and you can always have a recording of your session.

Some clients who live far away come to me for the first session to “kick the tires,” if you will and confirm that I’m the real deal. Once they’re satisfied, and we’ve made that all-important in-person connection, they continue with sessions virtually, and we complete our program with online coaching.

On the other hand, I have some European, Asian, Central American, Australian and West Coast American clients who I’ve never met in person! 100% of our coaching sessions have been virtual, and it worked well.

I have a long tenure as an online life coach (and online personal coach), and I’d be happy to set up a session with you at this time when the responsible choice is to meet virtually.

The Cost of Online Coaching

My coaching isn’t cheap, and I definitely don’t offer a free consultation. Many coaches who are just starting offer free introductory coaching sessions; I do not.

I think my years of experience offer you a more efficient coaching program, so instead of charging you for hours and hours (or months or years) of coaching sessions, we cut to the point more efficiently, effectuating significant change more rapidly.

The cost for online coaches is the same as in-person coaching. You can find information about my intro sessions here. And information about my coaching programs here.

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Topics for Online Life Coaching

Coaching is always client-directed. I am here to help you take action on a subject where you may feel stuck. Our agenda during virtual coaching sessions is your agenda; I can help you winnow it down or clarify your goal, but you always set the goal. You are hiring me as your life coach online; you da boss!

I specialize in career coachingtransition coaching and general life coaching. I consider myself a personal coach or a life coach, but that’s mostly to differentiate from the world of executive coaching.

Executive coaches tend to be hired by an organization to work with members of the organization to improve their performance. I am a successful life coach typically hired directly by the client to help them with a goal they have identified or obstacles, thus the personal nature of my work.

If you scroll to the bottom of the main page of my site, you will see a list of topics that clients have hired my life coaching business to help them with. Here are a few more you will find in my coaching practice:

  • Finding a professional direction after leaving corporate
  • Pivoting my career after working for the same company for (15, 25, 30) years
  • Choosing a creative direction after finding myself unfulfilled (but very successful) in corporate work
  • Finding work that allows for more balance
  • Rebuilding my life (finding a job, apartment, etc.) after divorce
  • Being true to myself and finding work I actually want to do instead of work I’m good at
  • Retiring (3-5) years early
  • Improving my marriage
  • Starting my (second) marriage with success
  • Moving to another country
  • Move to another location within the United States
  • Make more money doing the same job I love
  • Grow my client pipeline

What to Expect When Working With an Online Life Coach

What kind of online life coach are you looking for? Do you need someone specializing in relationships, careers, or other coaching concepts? Or do you need someone who can help you uncover your passion? I am here to help you build confidence when it is needed the most.

Anyone can call themselves a life coach online, so you want to be careful about who you choose and always do your research to find outstanding coaches like me.

I am here to help you make plans, address any issues you have, and work toward a goal. I am a motivational expert and can help you create the right personal development plan for your circumstances.

You can expect results and positivity when you work with me as your online life coach. I will offer motivational techniques, help you create a more positive self-image, and help you find the balance you need between your personal and professional life.

women playing with child

Impact of Online Life Coaching (and Online Personal Coaching)

I just finished a 3-month program with a client earlier today, and as we finished, she said,

“This is so useful. This is not AT ALL where I thought we’d be when I started. I couldn’t imagine we would have come to this place – I thought we’d do something more traditional. But this is exactly where I wanted to be. This is where I longed to be; in my deepest, deepest heart, I just wouldn’t let myself see it.”

My goal is always to help you access your deep dark secrets and big dreams. You often share an objective with me that might not be right for others to hear. You aren’t ready to say it yet – these goals and dreams are super vulnerable and not ready for prime time.

We can work on it together until that vision is a little more stable and you’re ready to go out into the world. That’s the coaching process – I provide the scaffolding, and you create your work of art, your life!

In time we take that scaffolding away, as you are more confident and the project is more stable. And then we shine a light on you, and you are satisfied with your creation.

Online life coaching is no different from in-person life coaching. Many of my engagements that started in November 2019 or January or March 2020 have now moved online.

Clients haven’t missed a beat. In fact, they now have increased focus because they feel a deeper desire to be authentic. To be real. To find their calling and to do the work that brings them joy.

Online life coaching is impactful, powerful and real. You can change your life, help yourself live your truest life.

It is my deep honor to be your guide, accountability partner and coach as you navigate your ideas for a life you are more eager to live.

I have been coaching for 15+ years, helping thousands of clients take that next step into the life they’d rather live.

And as a coach and an accountability partner, my goal is to help you match the ideas with clear actions so that you can move forward faster, with greater certainty and clarity toward a more authentic life. A life you want to live and derive great satisfaction and contentment from.

It is my honor and privilege to serve as a life coach and career coach and to offer online coaching services. My goal is to be the best online life coach, the best career and life coach that I can be, to deliver maximum impact for my clients.

Ready To Get Started?

personal coach

If you'd like to set up an introductory session, please complete the form and tell me your best times.

Times available (ET): Daytime: Monday-Friday: 7AM, 8:15AM, 9:30AM, 10:45AM, noon and 1:15PM. Evening: Monday-Wednesday: 6:30PM and 7:40PM.

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The introductory session is $395 and lasts 60 minutes.

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