
Hi. I’m Allison.

When I went to college in the nineties, there was no such thing as a "life coach". But then again, there was no such thing as Google. Things change :-).

During the first 15 years of my career, I worked in various fields that were developing; the professional paths were being paved as I walked upon them. I worked in dot-com companies in the 90s, food media (Food Network, Emeril, Rachael Ray and yes, Martha). Ultimately, I found my professional home in life coaching.

I had fun and grew skills as they industries changed around me. I learned a great deal about career transitions, and designing a life that is meaningful to she who lives it. I learned to make the best use of my skills and interests, balanced with the needs of the world around me.

Here's my story:

I graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies. I spent almost a decade working for a series of dot-com companies. I loved the collaboration, excitement and possibility of creating something out of nothing.

I loved being part of an emerging industry. But I wasn’t that into technology (kind of a luddite, actually). And yet, I wanted to contribute to the global shift in a meaningful way.

I had gained some weight as high-flying, eating and drinking executive and yet, at home I couldn’t boil an egg. I thought: Eureka! I want to help professionals like me learn to cook. I was going to figure out how to be a happy, healthy, home cook, open a cooking school, write cookbooks and host my own TV cooking show. I could help empower home cooks and increase the health of a nation!

Yes, it would be difficult, but if my friends could build big dot com companies, heck, I could do this! So, just before I turned 30, I enrolled in culinary school.

After culinary school, my goal was to go to work for Martha Stewart because if I was going to teach domesticity, I wanted to learn from the master.

I got that job after a couple false-start interviews (including one where the editor told me she would never, ever, ever hire me) at Martha, I had the opportunity to work on the launch of Everyday Food and was asked to co-host the Everyday Food TV show. After that, I was invited to co-host “Home Made Simple” on Lifetime, “Cook Yourself Thin” on TLC, and I spent two years as the host of “Blue Ribbon Hunter” on Yahoo.

An ambitious goal of opening a cooking school, writing cookbooks, and hosting my own cooking show(s) was set in my 20s and achieved in my 30s. It was as if I didn't know that it couldn't be done so I did it. After I left Martha, I opened my own cooking school, The Wooden Spoon, which I ran for a decade. And I found that when I was in the home kitchens of my cooking students, conversations turned from mincing shallots to other areas of their lives, like getting married or finding a job.

These conversations lit me up. So, I enrolled in a coaching program at New York University, and in 2005 I became a certified personal coach.

I was thoroughly enjoying my evolving career. And, in my mid-30s, I was ready for children and a partner, and I felt like I was running out of time for the former in a hurry. I started looking into becoming a single mother on my own. Then I met a guy.

By our third wedding anniversary, I was a mother to four: one stepchild, twin boys, and a baby girl. When we married, my husband invited me to believe we'd have abundance; subsequent goal setting has been more measured :-).

Today, I am a career and life coach. I ask challenging questions that help you think fresh thoughts. Then I support you as you define, pursue, and achieve ambitious goals based on your values.

I earned a PCC-level certification from the International Coaching Federation. I am currently pursuing MCC-level certification, the highest level of ICF certification a coach can achieve, less than .03% of the coaching industry. I hold myself to the highest standards of excellence, and continue to develop coaching skills based on current research and techniques. I work with individuals in my Montclair, New Jersey office (and via Facetime, Zoom, and phone for clients all over the world).

I have a bachelors of science in Human Development and Family Studies from Cornell University and a Masters of Arts in Food Studies in New York University, a coaching certificate from NYU and culinary certificate from the Institute for Culinary Education. I’m the author of the best-selling Personal (R)evolution, and A Year of Self-Care Journal as well as Lighten Up, America!, and You Can Trust a Skinny Cook. I also co-authored Morning Motivation with my husband.

I set goals in my life, then I pursue, achieve, reset and move forward. My path isn't linear (most aren't). I ebbed and flowed as I -- and the world -- changed, responding to and creating new opportunities for myself. I used the skills I had and developed the skills I needed so that I could do the meaningful work I wanted to do.

I've also had a significant number of unanticipated challenges along the way. I live the life I create, and bob and weave with the unexpected. I want to help you love your life: to be content with where you are, inspired by where you're going, and know when it's time to reassess, reevaluate and rest.

I’ve always enjoyed helping people be their best. I believe that people can do whatever they want to do. People can move mountains, and it's easier when you have help. I invite you to set up an intro session.

Let's create your future together.


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