The 24 Hour Rule

An adult points to a wristwatch on their arm while a child looks on attentively. Both are wearing casual clothing.

Ahhh…the glorious, magical, life changing 24-hour rule.

My son’s hockey club references the 24-hour rule in their club rules. Sportsengine, a popular sports scheduling app, describes it here.

But you don’t need paragraphs of explanation to get it. It’s as basic as the golden rule: If you’re losing your cool, take 24 hours to chill out so you don’t say something you’ll regret.

Obvious, right? And yet…

How often do you send quick texts you wish you didn’t? We’ve all done it right? And the 24-hour rule gives you permission, in fact it requires you in to take soak time when you feel hot, or triggered. Especially for hot-headed hockey parents 😉 .

Using it will allow you to:

  1. Breathe, and let that anxiety move through and out of you. 
  2. Allow space for new, tempered thoughts about the situation to pop into your wise mind. 
  3. Apply the benefit of the doubt for the other party, if possible.
  4. Consider how you can communicate your insights to a) share what you experienced b) be curious about what the other person experienced c) make a reasonable request and d) set a boundary, if needed

I recently had a couple emails with a vendor, who rescinded their services somewhat outta left field. After some thought, I let it go and thought, ah, that’s OK. Sounds like a poor fit. I accepted their conclusion.

Days later I received a lovely apology letter. They reconsidered their email, took responsibility for miscommunication, and asked if I might be open to collaborate again. Seemed to me like they needed some soak time, and by not applying their 24-hour rule in their earlier communication, they said some things they later regretted.

I accepted their offer. Things happen. We say things we regret, and a thoughtful apology goes a long, long way with me.

It happens to all of us. We do and say things we regret. And the 24-hour rule changes the game.

Use it.

AllisonThe 24 Hour Rule

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