General Life Coaching

Embracing Inclusivity: A Path to Unity and Well Being

A close up of red, white, and inclusive daisies in a garden.

Inclusivity means diverse people coming together to create a harmonious and vibrant community, inclusive of their full backgrounds. In practical terms, this translates to creating environments and communities that embrace diversity and where everyone has equal opportunities to participate and contribute. At its core, inclusivity is about recognizing and celebrating the uniqueness of everyone in

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What to Do on a Sunday: Your Ultimate Guide to Conquer Sunday Scaries

A woman experiencing the Sunday Scaries, laying on top of a couch.

If you’ve ever had that pit in your stomach, usually kicking in around Sunday evenings or thereabouts, you’ve definitely experienced the Sunday Scaries firsthand. But what exactly are Sunday Scaries, what causes them, and how can you beat them? Here’s how to conquer these Sunday evening blues. What Are Sunday Scaries? Sunday Scaries are a

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Conquering Parenting Challenges: Strategies for a Happier Family

An african-american family smiling and laughing in front of a truck.

If you’re like most families, navigating the ever-changing world of parenting can feel like a wild ride. From the constant juggling act of work-life balance to the never-ending quest to make ends meet, traditional parenting just doesn’t cut it anymore. New age parenting can be a rollercoaster, but rest assured that support is available every

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Witches, Wisdom and Fear: Unveiling the Mystical Threads of History

A woman sitting at a table with a cup of tea.

Witchcraft gets a bad rap, and that’s hardly surprising, considering it is a world shrouded in mystery and myth. The stereotype suggests witches cast harmful spells and commune with demons. The belief about witches even influences the iconic Halloween figure. While these mystical figures have fascinated us for ages, there’s much more to their story

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C'mon Get Happy:
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