Be Nice, 2022. Put A Little Love…

Calendar changing to 2022

By mid-December, I kinda thought 2021 had made her point, but apparently she had a big emphatic message for me at the end of the month.

Backing up a bit — I had spinal surgery just before Thanksgiving. I had a microdiskectomy for a herniated disk. It’s a big deal, and somewhat routine, and I was all “I got this” until…I didn’t.

I got slammed with something called a CSF leak in December. My doctor friends cringe when I mention that that should not be named. After a quick consult with Dr. Google, you’ll see phrases like “24 hours”, “stroke” and “death”, and now, on the other side of it I can honestly say I’d rather give birth monthly for the rest of my life than go through that again.

Allison Task 2
I’m all cocky in the hospital after my first spinal surgery. Ha!

So that got me locked up the hospital for about a week over the holidays. ​And just for extra…my whole family (minus me) got covid. Hallelujah for the immunizations that we were all able to get ahead of this mess (and the general modesty of covid’s current incarnation), as they had it mild. Glory be to science. Amen.

There were some other bits of December nonsense that happened, but I think I’ve shared enough. Let’s get to the good bits.

1. People came through. Big time. Meals were arriving (and like REALLY good stuff, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and platters of middle eastern chicken, pots of Korean noodle soup, bakery boxes of cannoli — the word “feast” was used on the regular. I know food heals, and this time having caring, loving people bring warm meals to my family brought me to tears. 

2. I have to rest. I couldn’t look at screens, read a book, or be around light or noise. My big action of the day was a walk around the block. Woo-hoo! ​I was frustrated and resetting my levels but once I yielded to it, I realized the awesomeness of a giant week or two off. And I’m still all messed up with headaches and head rushes so though I continue to work a modified schedule, I am resting a heck of a lot more, because.

3. I love to laugh. I received a lot of calls and love from old friends. We made fun of each other, busting on the ridiculousness of it all because that’s how we bond. Feeling the familiar rhythm of long term friendships. Once I was up to it, I started to watch stand up specials(This particular one was a real time capsule. Yowza.) I started to be funny again — I was loved on and laughing with old friends and I was plain old me. Best medicine there is.

My main take away from my near death experience (I do love a hyperbole) is that it’s all about your people. The old friends and new neighbors who showed up, knowing what I needed when I didn’t, my kids who made great kid art for my walls, my partner who 100% dealt while I was down. My doctor texting me to check in all the time, my kind and loving family. The nurse who now visits me several times a week.

Love and care and people. And health. And without health, DEFINITELY love and care and people.

Been said before, worth saying again. When you have a choice (and you always have the choice), choose to love on your people, and be loved by them. There’s healing on all sides.​​Slowly, steadily, moving in the right direction. Everyone could use a bit of that sweet love right now.

This is the straight dope friends. I promise — no morphine, opioids or even Tylenol. Join me and Jackie and put that love in your heart. C’mon. Nothing to lose, right?

PS: Oh yeah — my latest book launched on 12/21. But I was still unable to sit up so…so much for the social media promotion. LOL. It’s a sweet little book, with a lot of cheeky wisdom. A gentle way to start the morning. Take a peek .

Book Cover Morning Motivation

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