Ideas to Celebrate Spring, Vaccines, and Reset For Joy

Ideas to Celebrate Spring

Isn’t it delightful? Spring is here and since I’m all masked up, this is my first year of enjoyment without allergies. Oh blessed, blessed side effects of these awkward masks! I hope you’re enjoying the weather and the change.

It’s been a minute (I had to finish that book), but I’m back and bouncier than ever. That’s the thing about doing hard things, like writing and editing a book in 2 months. You think you can’t, and then you do, and then you can. Good stuff. I wouldn’t be advocating personal growth unless I trialed it on me-self first.

Here’s what’s bringing me joy:

  • I’m vaccinated. Are you? Let’s do this together. I’m happy to have in-person sessions in my office, still masked though until my kids are vaccinated. Happy to do in-person unmasked sessions outside.
  • A client shared this clip of Merrick Garland describing his motivation to serve the United States. This is a powerful demonstration of connecting the dots between who you are, what you do and who you serve. Although Mr. Garland has not (yet) been a client, the way that he describes the way he wants to contribute is something that many clients articulate and pursue.

Here’s what I’m thinking (and writing) about:

How Not To Be A Perfectionist. Maybe it was all those years working for Martha, but I still cringe when someone purrs out the word perfect. I’m a fan of imperfection, asymmetric homes and quirky people. And when we reveal our cracks, as it is said, “That’s where the light comes in.” The blog includes frameworks for being less perfect and more joyful. I expect there to be typos throughout.

Co-Create The Job You Want. Co-create has been a big buzzword in my practice for the last 18 months. This post details the techniques my clients are using to evolve their jobs, reevaluate home responsibilities and reprioritize their lives. Covid required more flexibility from all of us, and now that we’ve practiced it, we can continue to use it.

The press has been kind to me lately:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and click and click some more. I wish you the best of seasons, with lots of repair, resetting and a return to growth.

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