HNY! Would you like to connect more in ’24??

A woman sitting in a chair talking to another woman.

I hope you enjoyed winter break. It took me a decade, but I finally figured out how to downshift with my family during the holidays. When my kids were 3, 3 and 2, people would say “I hope you were able to rest,” and I would rage (inside, quietly). But now I’ve figured it out and I use the winter break to kick my feet up, read and do very little.

I hope you enjoyed your break however you like to do it!

In these fallow times I like to read and think, and my newest book recommendation is Arthur Brooks’ Build the Life You Want (co-authored with Oprah, natch). I’ve been enjoying his Atlantic column for years, and you know how much I loved Second Mountain, so I was keen to give this a go.

To sample the ideas in the book (hint: the three macronutrients you need for happiness are enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose), have a listen to this podcast.

I’ve been thinking a lot about you. You specifically and you as a group. And I’m keen to connect more. We’ve done some life-changing work together and I want to continue to support you in your endeavors.

Here are the two ways I’d like to connect in 2024:

  1. Let’s write your story. In the last six months alone, you wrote books, started PhD programs, become  Managing Director for a global education nonprofit, wrote and produced a play funded by the Four Seasons (!!), and received startup funding from Y Combinator. You decided to become a full time stay at home parent, compose original music, sell your global multinational company and more. Several of you started coaching practices! I love your stories and I want to share them. You are an inspiration. Let me know if you’re interested in sharing your story, and we can work together to tell it. Simple, clean 500-100 words. But let’s capture this great thing you’re doing, and how and why you did it.
  2. Let’s connect in real time. Over the years, I’ve made so many introductions within this group, and many have borne fruit. Pears, cherries, sure, and sometimes these creative connections turn into big crazy dragonfruit. I want to work connect as a group as well as in individual sessions. This year I’m running monthly workshops, free of charge to clients and alumni, where I will share a topic, useful resources, and open it up to small group breakouts or independent exercises. The topics will include change, human design, transformation, achievement, personal growth, wellness, and happiness, plus expert interviews. Want to give it a try? Let me know if you’re interested, and if you have any ideas for topics you’d like to see me cover.

Here are two blogs I’ve posted recently. These are the types of topics I plan to explore in the workshops. Enjoy!

Happy New Year! Here’s to a year filled with enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose.



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C'mon Get Happy:
Practice Happiness And Gain Momentum

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C'mon Get Happy:
Practice Happiness And Gain Momentum

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