Ten Weeks Left in 2021. Name Your Change.

End of 2021


Fall has me feeling warm. Must be all those orange red leaves and pumpkins everywhere.

And yet, as I’m enjoying this season, my head is swirling with bad habits I acquired during the Covid shut down. My head is saying Get back to the gym! Eat better! Call old friends! Write your newsletter…it’s two months late 🙂 !

That internal flagellating is not nearly as effective as a good solid plan with priorities. Katy Milkman has a new productivity book out called How To Change and it’s a winner.

Two effective tools she suggests:

  1. An ideal time to pursue change is after a “fresh start”.
  2. Fun changes are easier to make then, er, lame ones. So make it fun.

If it’s not your birthday or other milestone this month, how can you “manufacture” fresh change? I got you.

On October 22, 2021, we start a 10-week countdown to the end of the year.* And so I ask you: What is one thing you’d like to achieve in that window? You have ten weeks, what’s the most impactful change you’d like to make. What’s the priority? What will you start 2022 having completed?

Another tip from Ms. Milkman? Make the goal fun. That’s self explanatory.

Here’s a third tip from me. Make yourself accountable.

My goal? I’d the ten pounds I gained with my covid herniated disk. My back is almost back, and so will be my healthy eating and exercise. You heard it here first. Be my accountability partner?

And I’m happy to be yours. So tell me: what will you commit to doing in the last ten weeks of 2022?

And last before I sign out here are some fun links….

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