The Tectonic Career Shift Is Here: Where Are You Headed?

The Tectonic Career Shift Is Here: Where Are You Headed?

The great pandemic career recalibration moment has arrived. NPR is talking about it, the NYT Is as well. I haven’t yet checked Fox News and, well, you can do your own search on that one :-).

People are leaving jobs in droves right now. Clients who were once fearful about leaving are leaving with ease. It’s time to make a life change. So the great pandemic quit is on.

But that’s not all. As with a tectonic shift, while some are jumping into the sea, others are moving mountains.

I am BLOWN AWAY by the responsiveness of potential employers. Clients of mine are throwing a line in the water (submitting a resume, cold call) and within minutes, they’re hearing back from hiring managers. Already twice, the CEO is has asked for an interview THAT DAY. (My clients rock, don’t they? Yeah you do.) These conversations confirm necessary skills, sure, and they are mission-based. More than ever, hiring managers and prospective employees are engaging in philosophical conversations about who they are, what they do, who the company is, and what they stand for.

We’ve pulled off the superficial facades and are talking about what makes us tick.

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Our perspective on how and why we work has changed, and it’s not just about flex-time and work from home. It’s about mission and purpose, impact and community, and fostering shared growth.

We’re in a career shift moment the likes of which I’ve never seen before, and here it is for you in a bulleted list:

  • Job candidates are choosing purpose and impact over money.
  • Job candidates are choosing personal / professional growth over money.
  • People are choosing their lives over grinding it out.

It’s a great vocational reset. And it’s ON.

As always, my clients are happily leaving jobs they hate, moving toward “pinch me” jobs, and finding better harmony with their work and their lives.

And importantly, I’m here to serve you, Let me know if I can be of service.

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