The World Is Better Than You Think. Don’t Believe Me? Read On.

Man in cave looking at sunset

Happy December to you! Around my town, holiday decorations were up before Thanksgiving; people couldn’t wait to illuminate with cheer. Understandable. And I have some coaching-style cheer for you. Here’s a cup of cerebral wassail: The world is getting significantly better, and I’ve got the data to prove it.

These two books have shifted my perspective on how the world is doing, and how I (and we) can make the biggest positive impact on the world:

First, Rosling’s book. He shares a report card for planet earth and its inhabitants based on significant metrics (extreme poverty, women’s rights, education, life expectancy, etc). Spoiler alert: he reveals that we are doing SIGNIFICANTLY better on 32 metrics than we were 20 to 50 years ago.

SIGNIFICANTLY better. That means we’re going in the right direction. 

Importantly, if this surprises you, Rosling’s book helps you consider how you receive news and data, and supports you to pursue a more accurate way to source content. But don’t take my word for it, listen to Rosling in his well-loved Ted Talk.

Especially this year, I welcome this book’s message as it helps me soldier forward with a smile, hope and faith. It shares important good news about global progress and provides tools to better tune into what’s working in the world (not just what’s broken). 

As Rosling makes clear, realizing that the world is better than you think actually motivates you to work on the areas where you can have an impact. It relieves you of overwhelm, frustration and fear, and moves you toward action.   

All my clients are looking to make a meaningful contribution to the world. Every. Single. One. 

If are curious about areas where you can make a contribution, look no further than Melinda Gates’ Moment of Lift. In addition to some compelling details about the Gates marriage (mmm-hmmm), this book delivers heart-wrenching stories from the women Melinda serves around the world. 

If you know or love a woman, it’s hard not to imagine those closest to you in these  situations. Whether it’s a five year old child bride or a mother who is prevented from seeking health care for her dying child because her drunken father-in-law requires her to cook and clean for him, your heart will hurt, and you will want to participate in change.


This is also the donation time of year. As Rosling points out, If you have a bed that’s not on the floor, and indoor access to water and cooking tools, you are among the billion most privileged people in the world. Reach out to support the other six billion. 



For those of you who are interested in giving a coaching session or program as a gift, let’s do this! Gift coaching sessions come with a free copy of my book so there’s something to wrap.

As always, I’m here to serve, support and strengthen you. Happy Holidays!



PS: I will send another newsletter prior to New Years with all kinds of end-of-year stock taking ideas; stay tuned!

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