Your Fall Transition: Back To School and More

Kids playing before going back to school

It’s happening! In the Northeastern US, the air is getting cooler, the trees are changing colors and kids are in school, with in-person teachers and without masks. The day that seemed so far away has finally arrived.

How are you marking the transition for yourself? For some clients it’s prepping for Halloween (!!) while for others, it’s returning to school themselves. There is a noticeable spike in clients who have recognized a transition they’ve procrastinating for the better part of the pandemic and want to take action now.

How’s Your Rubble?

I’ve observed a number of clients are consistently underwater with to do lists and the “slog of life”. Leaky faucets, cluttered homes, things that never seem to be addressed. In one recent client session we named this “the rubble”, the list of items that are on your mind, weigh you down, and don’t seem to get done.

I recently asked the client to not do the tasks on the list but to write the items down. Make the list, get it out of your head. And you know what happened? He wrote the list and started knocking off tasks, one by one!

Simple Solution to Life Fatigue

The heaviness of that which weighs on your mind is draining. I recently wrote down my Fall to do list and realized — it wasn’t as bad as I thought! Keeping it in my mind was draining and made it seem fun-house-mirror huge, but in writing it down and getting it off my mind gave me back my “I got this” swagger.

So in this time of transition, grab a pen (or your laptop or your favorite productivity app, my clients seem to love Asana) and just make that list. The action of getting it out of your head is a relief and you’re far more likely to start to get these things done!

Let’s Workshop Together!

I’ve been having a lot of fun with corporate events, and recently partnered with a large pharmaceutical company to host a global corporate event for 600+ people on the topic of self care. We had a blast. I’d love to come speak at your organization (live or virtual), so have a look at some of my workshops. I’m also happy to build a bespoke presentation for your organization.

Fat and Happy?

This year has been rather intense for me and my family, and toward the end of summer I realized that I’d put on 20 pounds over the last 6 months! I like to keep an athletic figure, so I surprised myself by feeling kind of great about how I packed on the pounds. Read on to learn why. Transitions come in all shapes and sizes!

Popcorn Anyone?

In addition to working as a coach, I’m also a mom. This year, my son has joined the football team and my daughter has become a cheerleader. Pop Warner keeps fees low and all are welcome, then we fundraise throughout the year for the team. Please visit my kids’ popup popcorn store this week to get some super-premium flavored popcorn from Indiana, and support the team!

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C'mon Get Happy:
Practice Happiness And Gain Momentum

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C'mon Get Happy:
Practice Happiness And Gain Momentum

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