Or You Could Have Sex

sex helps relationships

Our local Kidville recently offered Saturday morning “kids camp”. What this means is, for a handful of Saturdays in the winter (the most difficult times to occupy your children), you can drop them off from 9-12 (three whole hours!). They can run, jump, zipline, play instruments, do arts and crafts and have snack. Someone else will even change their diapers.

I do not have to stay. I do not have to stay.

I can do whatever I want instead.

The poster promoting the kids camp looks like this:

parent coach
What Will You Do With All That Time?

Kids camp is helpful! You can shop, have brunch, run errands or take a break. I appreciate those ideas because it’s hard to even THINK of what I could do with three extra hours. There is so much to do! There’s laundry, cooking…thank you cards, gifts to wrap, gifts to open, clothes to organize and give away. Three whole hours — is it even enough?

Or at least that’s the way we’ve been trained to think. We’ve been conditioned, as hard-working moms to just keep that business going during the down time. Like a neurotic chipmonk.

But do you know what I saw when I saw the sign? This:



Not “Great! I can get that mani pedi I’ve been waiting for.”

Not “Fairway here I come!”

I wasn’t thinking about painting the bathroom, fixing the toilet or shopping for a new dryer (though I need to do all of those things).

I was thinking: 3 uninterrupted hours on a Saturday morning. What did I used to do with that time? Oh that’s right: I USED TO HAVE SEX.

When I let my husband know that I’d be sending our children to kids camp on Saturday, can you guess what he said? “Great! I have a dentist appointment I’ve been trying to book.” Dads too, have been programmed to be productive during down time.

And can you guess how I responded? Say it with me: “Sure! Or we could have sex.”

sex helps relationships
Parents Like Sex Too!

He never made it to the dentist.

Parents of toddlers: If you want to be happier, have a better relationship, fill your body with endorphins, or just plain feel like yourself again…

When you have enough time to plan for it, have sex. It’s low-calorie, organic, feels damn good, and it’s what got you in this mess in the first place. Enjoy.

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