Pandemic Support: Resources and Groups

I have been thinking about you, what we are experiencing, and how I can support you. At times this has been scary, overwhelming, disorienting and at other times centering and steadying.

The feelings are big, and as a coach my goal is always to steady the feelings so we can get you back to your prefrontal cortex and think. Well this time we’re going to sit with feelings for a bit.

Last week’s birthday group session was a great fun; thank you so much for showing up. This was the first time I was able to see your beautiful faces together and afterwards I recognized how much you’d enjoy connecting with one another. 

I will be leading l two virtual group coaching programs to support you during the pandemic. You will work with me and one another in small groups to share insights and create useful action during this time. Please email me at if you would like to take part, and let me know if you’re interested in the AM or PM program:

Covid Group Coaching Program

Six 1-hour 15-minute sessions

Tuesdays 8:15AM ET or 8:15PM ET, starting April 7

Limited to 8 people

$300 total 

Subjects may include: Identify Your Needs, Developing Mindful Presence, What You Hope To Gain, Growing With Fear and more.


For the time being, I’ve left social media and am returning to the world of books, nature, ideas and experiences that will help me take root and bloom. I am limiting news consumption, and being extremely selective about how I use my brain.

Here are the three most useful pieces of content I’ve experienced this week. I hope they serve you as well.

  • Empowering and Protecting Your Family During Covid-19: This family and friends info session by Dr. David Weiss, at Cornell Weill Medical Center is a recording of a call that this doctor had with his nearest and dearest. Dr. Weiss is exclusively treating Covid-19 patients in Manhattan now, and in this info session he shares the trends he is seeing. This video offers very empowering information on how we can protect ourselves at this time. His words are reassuring, empowering, and designed to help us take care and feel less afraid. 
  • Tara Brach is a meditation teacher I’ve been listening to a lot lately. She’s a featured teacher on Calm (my go to meditation app) and seems to be popping up all over my world. During the Pandemic she’s been asked to lead mindfulness meditation to the US House of Representatives, so there’s that. She recorded the following meditation talk on Facing Pandemic Fears with an Open Heart, which I found useful. 
  • And last (but never least), my girl Brene Brown has launched her podcast, and not a moment too soon. This 20 minute Brene burst will help you “settle the ball” right now, during the pandemic, and gives you practical tools that you can use to figure out where you are, what you need and how you can get those needs met. 

I intend to be in touch more frequently at this time, supporting you as best I can with the tools I have. Stay well, stay safe and please reach out to me any time. I will continue to have private and group coaching sessions virtually, and am here as needed.

With love,


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