Thanksgiving Tricks: A 2019 Survival Guide

By know you’ve likely accepted the fact that I’m a gratitude junkie. Between the thanks of November and the goal setting for the New Year, I’m like a pig in mud. THIS is my time of year.

I like connection-focused holidays, because connecting with those you love can add years to your life, and make those years more pleasurable. When we get together to celebrate connection, feel the love and then acknowledge the connection with gratitude, it is a big collective high.

And yes, there’s also the chaos, the traffic, that Uncle. We can overdo the need to connect; more isn’t always more. That 20+ person Thanksgiving that you dread hosting can be a real anxiety producer. And yet, when it’s all done and you have a quiet moment to reflect (and a nibble from that box of  Entenmann’s), you can experience deep gratitude, contentment and joy. 

Let yourself have that moment, and try my favorite gratitude exercise, Three Good Things. It’s one of the most powerful life-affirming exercises my clients enjoy. Clients: If you’ve stopped your Three Good Things practice, this is the time to reengage.

For insight, humor, and joy (and a couple go-to recipes as well), enjoy a click or two through my links below..

Here’s to a loving, connected holiday and a full belly. 

Links for Awe, Humor and Holiday Recipes

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