How To Find Your Purpose: Your Season Of Rebirth

how to find your purpose a man standing in a parking lot with an arrow painted on the ground.

If you caught my last blog post on changing careers, you may be in a season where you’re doing some soul-searching. It’s officially spring time and like the season, it is a time for rebirth. You may not only be wondering what new career to choose, but how to find your purpose, what’s the meaning of life, what is your purpose, what is the purpose of life, and many other deep and philosophical questions we tend to ask ourselves when things don’t quite feel aligned anymore. And don’t worry– it’s completely normal.

Life ebbs and flows entirely too much for someone not to start asking themselves deep, philosophical questions at some point.

Speaking of deep, philosophical questions– let’s dig in.

What is the purpose of life?

What is the purpose of life?

What is the purpose of life? This is a question that has blown the minds of mankind for a millenia. Some may take a scientific approach, and others may take a more philosophical one. Personally, I feel that the purpose of life can be found in increasing your sense of connection and meaning day to day.

If you caught my last newsletter, you are aware that life can definitely hand you situations that make you wonder the point of it all. That said, if we take a look at the question “what is the purpose of life” and look at it in a micro lens rather than a macro lens, we’ll find that the answer lies in our daily routine.

What things in your daily life are you responsible for? What activities, people, or events give you a sense of belonging?

What are you, personally, moving forward that has an impact in areas that you care about?

Jeremy Adam Smith of UC Berkeley, states that For decades, psychologists have studied how long-term, meaningful goals develop over the span of our lives. The goals that foster a sense of purpose are ones that can potentially change the lives of other people…”.  

He goes on to say Many seem to believe that purpose arises from your special gifts and sets you apart from other people—but that’s only part of the truth. It also grows from our connection to others, which is why a crisis of purpose is often a symptom of isolation. Once you find your path, you’ll almost certainly find others traveling along with you, hoping to reach the same destination—a community.

Speaking to Jeremy’s point here in his bit about community, community will show up if you let them.

Using Jeremy’s philosophy, do a self-check. Do you feel connected or isolated in this season?

What is my purpose?

What is my purpose?

There is no doubt in my mind right now that life is probably handing you some goodies. Some undesired circumstance designed to teach you lessons you may have forgotten– or never learned.

An outstanding article I came across from Mark Manson provides as insightful way of discovering your purpose through asking yourself these questions (some paraphrased as Mark seems keen on bathroom humor):

  1. What’s true about you today that would make your 8-year-old self cry? (And I actually find it easier to think in reverse – what’s true about your 8-year old self that brings tears to the adult you now?)
  2. What makes you forget to eat?
  3. How can you better embarrass yourself?
  4. How are you going to save the world?
  5. If you had to leave the house all day, every day, where would you go and what would you do?
  6. If you knew you were going to die one year from today, what would you do and how would you want to be remembered?

Now, when asking yourself “what is my purpose” does the concept seem less hazy? If not, that’s okay, finding your purpose is no small feat.

What’s the meaning of life?

What's the meaning of life?

There is no right or wrong answer to a question as complex as “what is the meaning of life?”. Using the concepts we spoke of earlier, my job as your coach would be to help you create a vision of the future that you want, then support you as you pursue it.

Whether you need help focusing on the positive, getting motivated in the morning, finding the job you love, or facing adversity, I’d be helping you conceive of an even better version of yourself, then help you get there.

The concept of “the meaning of life” is one that we can weave together based on your particular circumstances. I know how to work with clients to support you toward a future that delights you, and has the meaning and impact you crave.

How do you find your purpose in life?

How do you find your purpose in life?

Whether you’re familiar with the world of motivation leaders or not, you’ve likely heard of Tony Robbins. In this article he shares his insider secrets on how to answer the age-old question of how to find your purpose in life. He shares 12 potential ways to help you come closer to finding out how to find your purpose in life.

When you and I work together, whether it be as your transition coach, personal development coach, change coach, personal coach, life mentor, professional life coach, we will be diving deep into questions like this, gently ;-).

I am your coach, your partner, your friend during this intense time of focused work and transition. Your expertise is you, you are responsible for knowing yourself. My expertise is powerful questioning, and change management. I am your accountability partner during this time. My skills and training as a life coach, career coach, personal coach, and wellness coach all come into play while helping you find your purpose in life.

How to find your passion and purpose

How to find your passion and purpose

If, like many sane people in the world, you spend copious amounts of time learning off of YouTube, and don’’t yet have the budget to personally work with a coach on how to find your passion and purpose, this video may inspire you. Or this one featuring Simon Sinek. You may also enjoy my book, Personal (R)evolution, which I created as a 12-week DIY coaching guide.

When we’re young, we have parents and caretakers who guide us. As we get older we have teachers and coaches, sometimes therapists, and eventually, we have a boss or clients. As a personal coach, I help you with your development without having an agenda for your outcome. I help clients make choices that are aligned with their values to derive more meaning from their lives.

Together, we will identify what you want to hope for, strive for and ultimately create. We review your values and see where you’re hitting bullseye and where you may have strayed from your desired path.

I will ask you penetrating and provocative personal questions so that you can express new ideas. As your personal coach, I’m on an excavating mission. I help you connect the dots, and then take action on the insights you have.

Click here to book your introductory session. I look forward to supporting you.

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