Top 3 Tools To Evaluate 2019 & Take Action In 2020

This is my time of year. 

Which means this is your time of year. Because you’re a thoughtful, goal-pursuing type of person. This is a time to reflect, take a look at what you did well, take a look at what you’d like to do differently (hindsight rules) and plan for the year ahead.

Here are three tools I love:

1. Have someone you love create a resolution for you: Almost a decade ago, my husband and I began creating New Years Resolutions for one another. People who love you can sometimes see you better than you see yourself, and are keenly aware of your strengths, weaknesses and growth opportunities. Check out this article I wrote about how to do it.

2. Gap Analysis: Where are you now and where do you want to be? A coaching tool I love to use is the Wheel of Life. In order for you to manage malaise or build for a better future, it’s important to take stock of where you are. Noomii has created a Whole Life tool that allows you to take stock of where you are. Follow this guide to see where you are so that you can better determine where you want to go.

3. Create Monthly Goals. This year, the idea that’s stuck the deepest chord with me is the idea of setting monthly goals. Instead of committing to a year of, just commit the month. Many of you know how much The Whole 30 changed back in 2018; that was a game changer for my body. And it took…a month! By creating monthly goals, you don’t need to lock in a commitment for a year. It’s easier to do more ambitious goals (daily yoga, meditation, healthy eating) month to month. Smaller time frame, bigger goal! 

Last year, I made a personal commitment to sobriety for the year. I looked at all the performance enhancing approaches out in the market and decided that for better sleep, deeper connections, and a better mind, all arrows pointed to less booze. I was having my daily glass (or more) or wine and thought that losing that might be true gain. Here’s a midyear update I wrote about it.

I am thrilled to say that I achieved my goal. My year of clarity (euphemism for sobriety) was enlightening. I read more than I’ve ever read, my clients thrived, I created a new office, and I feel a deeper connection with my community, my family and myself. 

Set a goal for your year based on the real needs in your life. Pursue it, achieve it, and make your life the life you want to have.

Happy New Year.


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