Wellness Coaching

C’mon Get Happy

a group of people standing next to each other.

The old Partridge Family song takes me back. I’m a kid again, dancing around on a shaggy blue carpet. Nursing a serious crush on David Cassidy. No responsibilities. Little to no power either, but it’s the singing and dancing that I remember. And the feeling of being happy. Segue to today: I’ve been reading a particularly fabulous book,

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Need More Time? Fire Your Staff

time management coach

There’s a trend I’m noticing with some of my clients right now: They’re putting more hours in their day by getting rid of the weak links on their teams. Don’t get me wrong, my clients are not “You’re fired!” type, who enjoy terminating their staff. They’ve given their staff every opportunity to succeed, and still…. Sometimes you just

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Ever Throw the Game?

wellness coach

Have you ever decided that you couldn’t do something? Maybe it was run a marathon, bake, or do calculus. Maybe you decided that you couldn’t play the piano, guitar, or figure out texting. For me, it was coffee. When I graduated from Cornell with few job prospects, I went for entry level jobs. I ended

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It’s Weight Loss Season. Don’t Get Crazy.

wellness coach

As a healthy cookbook author, the January diet frenzy familiar territory for me. This is one of two “seasons” in the industry, the other being bathing suit season (natch). This is when people get serious about losing weight (and when marketers get serious about selling weight loss). And by “getting serious”, people want to lose weight now, so they go from

It’s Weight Loss Season. Don’t Get Crazy. Read More »

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C'mon Get Happy:
Practice Happiness And Gain Momentum

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C'mon Get Happy:
Practice Happiness And Gain Momentum

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